Bethpage Nursery School
Our program reflects a philosophy based upon the following educational practices:
Young children learn best through play. Learning is based upon active exploration by the child and is characterized by the interaction of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
Young children need an environment rich with interesting, safe and accessible materials that present varying degrees of challenge to them. Toys and materials organized into interest area centers. A majority of the materials are open-ended (ie. Blocks and paint). Materials foster understanding in the following areas: language, science, mathematics, art, music, emotional and physical education.
A sense of order and purpose is devolved through the daily routine and organization of the classroom. Routines and classroom organization are periodically evaluated by the staff to determine their effectiveness.
Teachers plan learning activities that are child centered and based upon careful observation of the children's interactions with their environment. Teachers offer children opportunities to learn at their individual developmental level. Teachers consider each child's unique learning style, temperament and interest when planning learning activities. Teachers offer experiences that are meaningful to the children.
Teachers make adjustments in the curriculum based upon the needs of the whole child taking into consideration the social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of the child.
Teachers understand how these educational practices comprise the program and are capable of explaining all aspects of the program to parents. Teachers are comfortable with their roles as parent educators.
As a result of the educational practices preschool children have the opportunity to take part in the following expreinces. Teachers organize these experiences around subject matter or themes that are meaningful and interesting to the children (ie. the family, planting and growing, wind, dinosaurs, transportation and healthy foods).The following experiences are more likely to occur in an environment that supports active, multisensory learning where a child's individual style is respected and supported. This environment is rich with materials and language and monitored by a well trained staff.

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